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Experimental Digital Marketing & Mobile Technologies
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Company Blurb:
CROWDS revolutionizes live events by transforming smartphones into synchronized audiovisual devices. Utilizing swarm intelligence, the app orchestrates immersive displays within large audiences, fostering real-life connectivity and engagement. From stadium concerts to demonstrations, CROWDS amplifies the event experience, synchronizing participants' devices to create captivating visuals and soundscapes. Its’ versatility extends to commercial applications like facilitating targeted advertising campaigns. Additionally, CROWDS enhances safety and security during mass gatherings through effective crowd management features. With the live event market valued at over $1 trillion globally, CROWDS presents a significant opportunity to reshape how we experience and interact with live events.
Transitioning from special forces operations to award-winning artistic endeavors, Amir's creative vision materialized in large-scale compositions like “CIRCLES," which premiered in 2021, blending 300 performers and smartphones to "Destruction,” which mesmerized 140,000 spectators on the banks of the Odra River in 2016 showcasing his ability to transcend boundaries and deeply connect with audiences. Amir has become a visionary at the intersection of Art, Science, and Technology by orchestrating
interdisciplinary projects that create physically and viscerally immersive experiences with collective dynamics. Amir's two decades of experience drive CROWDS' revolutionary approach to audience engagement, reshaping the future of live events.
AFINS, P.O. Box 20080, New York, NY 10001, United States