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Founder, President
Privacy, Sovereignty software
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Company Blurb:
VOXY launcher aims to streamline the process of delivering all the most secure software and tools that allow users to regain their online sovereignty. Privacy and security are essential to ensuring sovereignty in-real-life and now in our digital life sovereignty is more critical than ever. The launcher enables any device to perform like a server providing ownership in a full suite of web-tools but with personal security at the center of its functionality. With this freeware downloaded to any machine, it removes the challenging learning curve and set up by the average user, delivering reliable and sovereign software. Websites, encryption, chat, email server, cloud storage, and much more.
Special Operations Chief Petty Officer (ret) Andre M. Gomez is a special operator of 20 years with a focus on intelligence with a BS in Intelligence Studies and a Master in Business from USC. With knowledge in cyber security and identity management he teaches cyber and identity management security classes to the SEAL teams and their families as a government contractor. He is also a small business owner.
AFINS, P.O. Box 20080, New York, NY 10001, United States